A friendly and reassuring presence
Stephanie joined GBR Challenge as in-house legal advisor when we were still a fledgling organisation and established many of the legal processes and systems required in a modern America’s Cup team. Having previous experience of representing an America’s Cup team, she was also able to advise on how best the team should navigate its way through the complexities of the America’s Cup Protocol, Deed of Gift & AC Resolutions. As well as dealing with day-to-day legal issues around equipment purchasing, staff contracts, etc., she also advised on our sponsorship contracts, worth more than £3 million. Stephanie brought experience, knowledge and professionalism to the emerging organisation. Constantly working under pressure and to strict deadlines, she was always a friendly and reassuring presence. It would be a privilege to work with her again.
Tessa Bartlett, was Chief Operations Officer of the GBR Challenge for the America’s Cup